The story line and theme of the matrix is introduced in the trailer as it quotes in a clear green text and black background. It quotes 'forget everything you know', as Neo has to forget everything he has ever known or did is a lie, to learn he has been a slave to robots. The text is also very computerised to show viewers that the film is based around technology and that it is futuristic. The use of the colour green is usually related to strange and unusual occurances, a theme the matrix follows.
The film opens with the police hunting down and chasing a woman. She also appears to have extra-ordinary abilities in which she can run faster and jump from building to building. She is also dressed in black clothes which introduces the character as mysterious, possibly as a spy or criminal mastermind. This interests the audience as they question who the woman is, what she has done wrong in order to be chased down by the law and how she learnt or gained these extra-ordinary abilities. This introduction shows us what people are capable of doing inside the matrix, however is un-recognised by the audience until the mystery of what the matrix really is, is unravelled.
We are then introduced to the character of Neo, a man who appears to be living two lives. In one life he is a rebellious computer thief, and in the other he is reffered to as Mr. Anderson, an office worker who appears to be mis-treated by others as shown when his boss is punishing him and reacts emotionless. This leaves the audience questioning which life is real and which one is a dream. The creators of the film make the audience question this as he questions this matter himself. The scenes from Neo's criminal life are dark and the music is loud and screamo, representing the mystery and wreckless nature of this particular life.
In the other life, the colours are dull and Neo (or Mr.Anderson as he is reffered to) appear to be bored as he gets distractted by the window cleaner. This shows us that although Neo is living this law obiding life in which he has everything he could need, he dis-likes this life-style, in comparison to is other lifestyle in which he appears to be happy in as he goes out. The audience are not shown Neo's social life within this other life, implying that his scedule is work based and repetitive. His day dreaming only highlights this matter.
The scene of Neo and Morphius meeting is a very significant scene within the scene as Morphius gives a wide range of different clues as it what the Matrix is, as he hint's 'what you know you can't explain', which can be refered back to when Neo questions wheather his life is real or just a dream. The image of morphius offering Neo the red or blue pill creates suspense as the audience learn they are to find out what the matrix is, as from taking the red pill he will discover the truth.
The image of Neo escaping from the matrix is un-ravelled within the trailer as a hand is reaching out out from a kind of goo with wires attached to the body inside it. It is revealed in the film that the person within this is infact Neo waking up and escaping from the slavery of the matrix. This scene also demonstates the fright as the character is confused and shocked to the reality of his life. The use of dark colours sorrounding him implies the danger. The identity of the person inside is hidden as the liquid/ substance in which they are in is not transparent and only gives us a shadow- making the identity of the being a mystery.
It is only at the very end of the film that these scenes appear to have a purpose as he prefered to be refered to as the rebellious computer theif Neo; as appose to Mr. Anderson, the push about he appears to be portrayed as in his professional life. This also shows us that Neo is more in control of his abilities and his life. This is shown as he controls the many bullets that have been shot towards him, whilst remaining calm.
In conclusion, the Martrix has been very successful thriller film as hints about the Matrix are continuously given throughout the story and keeps the audience attention. The film also remains the attention of the audience by creating a variety of action and suspense within the film. The film met all my expectations and more, as it includes all the features that the trailer highlights- such as action. They have also used relevant details such as their use of music, lighting and location to create the theme of mystery. For me, the Matrix was one of the best films of all time and would highly recommend the film to anyone who enjoys mystery thriller and lots of action.
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