Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Key terms (Narrative)

Different techniques used in the sequence of a film

Different techniques are used in different films to make the film easier to follow or to make the story a mystery. These include: 

- Linear- A story which has a beginning middle and ending in that order exactly. The viewers can follow the whole story and understand exactly what is going on. This is commonly used in fairy tales as its easier for children to follow the story.

- Non-linear- Where the viewers do not see everything that is going on within the story, and commonly includes flashbacks so the story is out of sequence. 

- Restricted- This is when the viewers are unaware of what is happening within the story. This narrative technique is commonly used in thrillers as it leaves the audience puzzled and eager to uncover the truth.

- Omniscient- This is when the viewers are aware of everything that is happening within a story line. This is not usually used in thriller films as there would be no truth to unravel. 

Enigma codes
Enigma codes are clues which unravel the mystery within the film. This makes the audience more eager to uncover the truth and is commonly used in thriller films.

Thriller sub- genres 

There are many sub-genres within thriller films. These include: 

- Conspiricy thrillers: Focus on the characters as hero/heroines stereotypically portrayed as journalists or armmature investigators trapped in situations. Many also feature powerful organizations. 

-Crime thrillers: Focus on crime such as murder or robbery which may be successful or unsuccessful. They also emphasize on psychological aspects. Eg. The Dark Knight

- Disaster thrillers : Follow the story of a persons survival in conflict with a natural or artificial disaster. Eg. Inception

- Mystery thrillers: Follow the story of a detective/ investigator and focus on unsolving a mystery. Relate to crime thrillers.Eg. Shutter Island

- Psychological thrillers: Focusses on mentally and emotionally hindered characters who are pyscologically disturbed. Eg.

- Religious: Can focus around religious objects, aswell as the good and bad points of view of the religion. Many are based around catholic religion and the audience aim to discover truth within the story. Eg. The Da-vinci code.

-Supernatural: Something out of the ordinary happening. Eg. Incedious

How i will use these techniques and knowledge

These new techniques and information i have learnt will not only construct my film, but to also help me focus and understand which sub-genre i would use in own thriller film. When constructing my thriller film, i should make the storyline linear or non-linear and omicient or restrictted. I should also ensure i include enigma codes within my film to keep the audience intreeged. I should also ensure that the storyline is based around one of the thriller sub-genre's. I would be most interested in creating a film which is either a crime, mystery or psycological thriller having most enjoyed films of these sub-genre's. But also due to our low-budget, these films will be easier to construct and would be more effective as it doesnt require expensive high tech equiptment, softwares or great knowlege to create big effects- for example earth and bridges collapsing in a disaster thiller film.

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