I watched a variety of different clips from TV displaying the portrayal of masculinity and femininity and brainstormed the portrayal of gender stereotypes, gender attitudes and behaviors, sound, mis-en-scene and camera angles.

Dominance of gender is shown through camera angles as shots of men are from a lower angle to show that they are looked up to and women from a lower angle as they are being looked upon.
In these variaty of different clips men are shown to be discraceful for being caring as they are expectted to be strong and laid back. They are shown to be the more dominant gender as they resist being spoken down to or being shown to be less powerful by the women.
In this clip the women are portrayed to be happy housewives are they are shown happily cooking and cleaning. The music supports this music as it exaggerates the pride women take in their appearence as the singer sings about clothes and presentation. Lots of clothes are also shown on screen and attracting the men. This shows us that the women are the less dominant gender.
In this clip women are shown to be more gentle from their soft tone of voice, where as the mens are serious to show superioty. The men are shown to be more intelectual, and it is shown to be a discrace that women are equelly smart as shown by the reaction of the other characters. The voiceover comments that the woman, 'embaresses herself' from doing this and she and her husband, who is now frustratted at her remark, escort themselves from the table. The voiceover also comments on the men 'exchanging witty stories' showing their intelectual status. He also comments, 'look at the women arn't they pretty, to show that their looks are more important than their personality or intellegence.