I photographed an image of the alleyway across from my house as i believed it would be an ideal place to shoot a thriller film. This is because the alley is long, dark, tired and looks mysterious. I editted the photograph in black and white in order to create a darker atmosphere.
Friday, 28 September 2012
Analysing thriller openings and audience expectations
I analysed a wide range of different thriller openings and how we can learn that the film will be a thriller and the way they present the theme of mystery and suspense. I also then explained this information to a peer and asked on what they would expect the thriller to be about and their expectations. The thriller openings i chose to analyse were Vertigo and The Bourne Identity.
Vertigo opening scene analysis
What makes it a thriller?
The scene opens with fast paced music as a man appears to be climbing quickly up a ladder from a police officer who appears to be chasing him. The man then contiues to run and be chased by this police officer as he continues to run ontop of buildings and onto roofs. The film is also shown to be dark and cold as the scene is set in the evening and coloured blue. The man is stuggling, which creates a theme of suspense which is only built upon by this use of music. There is also a theme of excitement and mystery as the audience are left to wonder who the man is and what he has done wrong in order to be chased by the police officer .The image of the man hanging from the building leaves the audiences on the edge of their seat and draws them into the storyline as they fear for the helpless mans life.
Audience expectations
This is the mindmap i made conclusing what my peer expectted of this thriller film.
The Bourne Identity opening scene analysis
What makes it a thriller?
The film opens in a large, tired room which appears to be on a boat judging by its curved walls and small circular windows. Pathetic Fallacy is also used as there is a storm outside and the boat is rocking foreshadowing danger and excitement. In the foreground we see a medic operating on an un-consious man to remove bullets from his back- leaving us questioning how and why the victim was shot. The audience are also left questioning who the characters are and where are they going. This is ideal in creating the theme of mystery.
It also appears that the medic searching through the un-consious man's belonings as he turns to check he doesnt wake up. He then inspects his items, which makes the audience question why he is doing this and wheather either of them had something to hide. The man wakes up and confronts the man questioning what had happened and who he was, so the audience are left questioning why the man can't remember anything. We are also left questioning why the man's bank details was in-bedded in his hip.
Audience expectations
This is the mindmap i made concluding what my peer expectted from this thriller film.
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Thriller Collage and still observation
I created a collage of stills from a range of different thriller films, posters and advertisements to observe how the images create the mystery and suspense the thrillers aim to achieve.
Inmany of the images, the facial expressions of the characters show fear and anger which creates suspense. Many of the characters in these stills also demonstrate their psychological behavior through their use of emotionless expressions which makes the character mysterious.
Many of the images are shot in a blue colour, possibly to represent the cold-blooded or emotionless characteristics of a particular character, or theme of the film. Many shots and advertisements are also dark and mysterious. Some shots are also blurred which also create mystery as the audience can not see what is happening. Many films also use a slight use of the colour red which many usually relate to blood, also creating the theme of suspicion. None of the images have a clear long shot view of a character so we cannot see them as a whole, but use many close up's and extreme long shots. This is ideal to be used in thriller films as the characters are mysterious.
In conclusion, successful thriller films successfully create the theme of mystery and suspense by the use of lighting and particular colours representing themes which relate to mystery and suspense. The emotion of the characters can also create a mysterious effect and leave the audience on the edge of their seat as they are drawn into the story.
Coursework-Exam marks
In class we reviewed how many marks would count for each section of the course and when each section was expected to be completed by. This photograph shows us that our coursework will count for half of our grade. We will be marked out of 100 marks within this unit- which will asses our research and planning (20 marks), our film construction (60 marks) and our evaluation (20 marks).
The first section, 'research and planning', is to be completted by 14th of October, the construction of our film will be completted by the first of febuary, and our evaluation will be completted by 1st of March. After this, we willbe preparing for our exam
Shutter Island Spoiler Review
From the trailer of Shutter
Island, we can learn that the story line is based on a thriller as it
immediately introduces the theme of loneliness, adventure and suspicion within
its first few shots. We can also learn that the story is set in the early 20thcentuary by the use of old fashioned clothing the characters are dressed in and the small old boat they sail onto the island in. The image of the boat sailing through the mist’s towards
the camera shows us that the film is based in a remote location, far from
civilisation. The image of the lonely island confirms this. When the detectives
are brought into the prison, the detectives question which creates suspicion
within the story line. This shot also shows us the detectives giving up their
guns, possibly representing the loss of hope and protection which will occur
towards the ending of the film. The image of the almost bald headed woman
whispering to the camera introduces the theme of mystery to the film. This also
introduces the film as a psychological thriller. We are also told purely by
voiceover, that a dangerous inmate is missing- the plot of the film, and that
Teddy and his partner Chuck will search for them- as we are shown an image of
them looking over the landscape of the island. The theme of fear is introduced as the detective is told to
‘run’ by an inmate he questions.
Towards the middle of the trailer we begin to see images of
the main character, Teddy, in what we believe to be his dreams with his
deceased partner who is suffering and fading before him. However, as the
trailer unravels we are to learn these are his memories and are an inmate
himself- the whole plot is just a game. We can also learn that Teddy questions
the whole investigation as he quotes, ‘ No-one will talk, it’s like their
scared of something’ and further portrays the deep mystery involved within the
story. Tension is built through
the trailer as music builds up; however, more tension is portrayed in the
trailer than it is in the film. An example of this includes the shot of Teddy
creeping up stairs, which happens towards the end of the film. It is only
towards the end of the film we begin to see more action and tense, edge of your
seat scene’s when Teddy visits the restricted prison which only the most
dangerous prisoners are kept.
From watching the film and comparing it to the trailer, I think that many aspects of the story line are revealed in the trailer
however are un-recognisable without watching the film itself. The mysterious
images of the characters and their actions leave us puzzled, however this is
what caught the audience’s attention and lured them into the storyline.
However, the trailer does not reveal what the mental institutions have set up
this game for… an experiment. The trailer does not reveal the experiments which
the institution are taking out on Teddy, but is foreshadowed briefly through
the words of psychiatrist Dr.Sheehan who quotes, ‘I built something valuable
here and I am not going to give up without a fight’. I was left confused
towards the end as Detective Teddy seemed to have been taken willingly into a
dark tower by the psychiatrist and prison guards, after having refused prior.
But maybe this was set up to leave audiences confused and makes the film more
memorable. Or this could have possibly been set up to follow into a potential second
In conclusion, I believe that Shutter Island is a very
successful thriller theme as it portrays a lot of mystery and suspicion within
the film and the remote location of the storyline only adds to this. Tension is
shown through the characters and the mystery is successfully portrayed as the
story follows the investigation with Teddy, the victim of the experiment, who
is also confused. This is also shown through the trailer, and much of the plot
is revealed within the trailer too. However, I think that the trailer adds more
suspense into the storyline than there is in the actual film, as it’s only
towards the end that there is action creating suspense. There are although many
brief suspicious activities throughout the film which leave the audience
questioning the storyline they have been led to believe. I would recommend
watching this film if you enjoy watching films that leave you puzzled and to
figure out the storyline for yourself. But if it’s action you seek in order to
create suspense within the movie, you will be left disappointed as you shall be
waiting towards the very end. As a whole I would give this movie a 4/5 stars as the mystery continues to grab the viewers attention and leaves them wondering what will happen next.
Monday, 17 September 2012
Titles timeline map
I made a timeline from the opening title sequence of Edward Scissor Hands to learn the order in which credits appear and how long each credit appeared for. I also made a note of the images we see in the credits and how this relates to the story line, but also how the music builds up and the effects this gives on the mood an atmosphere. This would help me in the future when i will be making my own introduction to a thriller film.
Comparing essays
We compared each others thriller essays and concluded main themes which were mentioned in each others essays. This included characters, audience pleasures, mood/ atmosphere and events/plots/ scenes. This was our diagram.
I-Robot 9 Frame analysis
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The light calm blue colour is turning red which implies evil. |
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The introduction of the laws gives us an introduction of what robots were creatted for. The background is bluey black colour representing their emotionless and cold nature. |
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Each of these laws bubble away so we can learn not only that these laws are fading away or will be broken, but also that the story will begin under water |
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The camera turns to an image of a child drowning so we can learn that the images are being seen through the eyes of another victim. This image of the struggling child also introduces the panic. |
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We get a quick glimpse of the protagonist struggling in an attempt to save the child, which introduces the character as although helpless, he is determined, courageous and self-less. |
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The quick and heavy handed actions of the robot teaches us that the robot is not saving the victim because he wanted to, but because he had to. |
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Edward Scissor Hands Timeline
0:03- Logo of production company
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0:20- Production company |
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0:49- main actor |
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0:54- Supporting actors and actresses |
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From creating a timeline from a title opening sequence, i have learnt the period of time needed for a single credit to be read, and interesting backgrounds we can apply to suit the theme of the story.
Thriller Comparison
Comparing 3
thriller films
The Dark Night
Recently the long anticipated Finale to Batman film was
released in cinemas. The storyline was based around Batman’s return from his
retirement in order to stop The Joker (Heath Ledger) from taking over the city, accompanied by
fellow villain Cat Woman (Anne Hathaway). There is great amount of suspense in
this movie in many ways as both the audience and the other characters in the
movie are to discover how the Joker is going to take over the city and there is
no way of telling when he will strike next. The Joker, as well as the police, is
off to kill Batman (Christian Bale) after having believed to have murdered a
local hero, which only adds more tension to the storyline. This film defiantly
leaves you on the edge of your seat from the unpredictable actions which will
occur, capturing the viewers’ attention and interest.
The Black Swan
This movie is following the story a dedicated ballet dancer,
Nina (Natalie Portman), who feels the threat of her understudy, Lily (Mila
Kunis) taking over her role in her star performance of ‘Swan Lake’. This
alongside the pressure of her pushy mother and obsessive dance instructor
leading her to hallucinating
events which have not occurred, leading to further confusion and madness.
Through the film we see Nina transition from the delicate white swan into the
evil black swan as the show draws closer. Throughout the film, both Nina and
the audience are left to unravel the truth behind what is real and what isn’t,
and what mentally confused Nina will do next in order to secure her lead role
in Swan Lake. There is a great amount of suspicion in this film, and leaves the
audience questioning the reality to the story line in comparison to Nina’s
imagination, which we see, the story though. However there is a lack of action
and excitement to the film, but there are more intense and confusing moments as
Nina’s hallucinations play mind games. There is no rivalry from the other
characters point of view, but it certainly captures the reader’s attention as
it makes them question the sanity of Nina and the consequences of her psychotic
Shutter Island
Set in the 1950’s, Shutter Island is the story of a
detective by the name of Edward- also referred to as Teddy (Leonardo DiCaprio),
and his partner Chuck (Mark Ruffalo)
travel to a psychiatric hospital to investigate the absence of inmate
Rachael Salando. Also having
dreams of his dead wife Chanal, Teddy is led to believe that Rachael is still
on the island, as well as severe migraines. There is a great deal of confusion
and mystery as he starts to believe that the whole investigation was just a
game set up for him. But as the story slowly unravels Teddy starts having
memories of him killing his wife, after she had drowned all their children- and
he was in fact one of the patients at the hospital. There is a lack of action
in this film however, but the hidden storyline alone grabs the audience
attention as they are yet to discover the true meaning behind what Teddy had
believed to be an investigation.
In conclusion, I believe that the Dark Night has catched the
audience attention more by the unpredictable action within the story as appose
to the mystery in The Black Swan and Shutter Island. There is more rivalry and
tension within The Dark Night in comparison to the other films, but some
tension within The Black Swan, in the mind of Nina, but does not appear to be
that way externally, just like in Shutter Island as Teddy is suspicious of the
other characters- however this does appear to be true, in comparison to Black
Swan which there really isn’t. In conclusion my preferred thriller would be
Shutter Island as there is more mystery for the audience to uncover, but I did
also enjoy the action involved in The Dark Night. I didn’t enjoy Black Swan as
much due to the great deal of confusion amongst the action throughout the film,
which doesn’t seem to unravel the way the other films did.
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